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Cyber Attack Simulations
In a cyber attack simulation, an organization (and its security partners) emulates an actual hack against its own network, infrastructure and assets using the tools, tactics and procedures (TTPs) of known cyber criminals.
Types of Cyber Attacks You Should Be Aware

There are many varieties of cyber attacks that happen in the world today. If we know the various types of cyberattacks, it becomes easier for us to protect our networks and systems against them. Here, we will closely examine the top ten cyber-attacks that can affect an individual, or a large business, depending on the scale. 

Let’s start with the different types of cyberattacks on our list:

1. Malware Attack

This is one of the most common types of cyberattacks. “Malware” refers to malicious software viruses including worms, spyware, ransomware, adware, and trojans. 

The trojan virus disguises itself as legitimate software. Ransomware blocks access to the network's key components, whereas Spyware is software that steals all your confidential data without your knowledge. Adware is software that displays advertising content such as banners on a user's screen. 

Malware breaches a network through a vulnerability. When the user clicks a dangerous link, it downloads an email attachment or when an infected pen drive is used.

2. Phishing Attack
  • Phishing attacks are one of the most prominent widespread types of cyberattacks. It is a type of social engineering attack wherein an attacker impersonates to be a trusted contact and sends the victim fake mails. 

    Unaware of this, the victim opens the mail and clicks on the malicious link or opens the mail's attachment. By doing so, attackers gain access to confidential information and account credentials. They can also install malware through a phishing attack. 

3. Password Attack

It is a form of attack wherein a hacker cracks your password with various programs and password cracking tools like Aircrack, Cain, Abel, John the Ripper, Hashcat, etc. There are different types of password attacks like brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, and keylogger attacks.

Listed below are a few ways to prevent password attacks: 

  • Use strong alphanumeric passwords with special characters.
  • Abstain from using the same password for multiple websites or accounts.
  • Update your passwords; this will limit your exposure to a password attack.
  • Do not have any password hints in the open.
4. Man-in-the-Middle Attack

A Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) is also known as an eavesdropping attack. In this attack, an attacker comes in between a two-party communication, i.e., the attacker hijacks the session between a client and host. By doing so, hackers steal and manipulate data. 

As seen below, the client-server communication has been cut off, and instead, the communication line goes through the hacker.

MITM attacks can be prevented by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Be mindful of the security of the website you are using. Use encryption on your devices.
  • Refrain from using public Wi-Fi networks.
5. SQL Injection Attack


 Structured Query Language (SQL) injection attack occurs on a database-driven website when the hacker manipulates a standard SQL query. It is carried by injecting a malicious code into a vulnerable website search box, thereby making the server reveal crucial information.  

This results in the attacker being able to view, edit, and delete tables in the databases. Attackers can also get administrative rights through this. 

6. Denial-of-Service Attack

A Denial-of-Service Attack is a significant threat to companies. Here, attackers target systems, servers, or networks and flood them with traffic to exhaust their resources and bandwidth. 

When this happens, catering to the incoming requests becomes overwhelming for the servers, resulting in the website it hosts either shut down or slow down. This leaves the legitimate service requests unattended. 

It is also known as a DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack when attackers use multiple compromised systems to launch this attack. 

What are the different ways to prevent Cyber Attacks?

Some of the best ways to prevent cyber attacks include changing passwords regularly and using the ones that are difficult to crack, updating operating systems and applications, using a firewall and other network security tools, avoiding emails from unknown senders, regularly backing up your data, and using multi-factor authentication. 

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