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What is Enterprise Software Development?
Enterprise application software (EAS), is computer software used to satisfy the needs of an organization rather than individual users. Such organizations include businesses, schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and governments. Enterprise Software Development is a multi-disciplinary approach, and often includes functions such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), BI (Business Intelligence), operations and order fulfillment, online payment processing, accounting, just to name a few.
Why is enterprise software important?

Enterprise software is central to day-to-day business functions and mission-critical operations in many organizations. The following are some examples of how organizations use enterprise software solutions:

Scale resources

Organizations use enterprise software to scale operations and direct resources to functions that need them. They can scale up or down as necessary, keeping costs and resources under control, and budgets in check. For example, you can use Amazon Chime SDK to add scalable communications capabilities like video, voice, and text to your existing enterprise applications.

Improve organizational efficiency
  • Enterprise application software introduces automation in areas such as HR, payroll, marketing, and data entry, freeing up employees to focus on tasks that add more value to the enterprise. It delivers a standard set of collaboration tools and workflow solutions that reduce interdepartmental silos.
Enhance employee productivity

Technologies and tools such as process automation, project management software, artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and machine learning (ML) make collaboration between teams easier and deliver actionable insights. Teams can communicate with each other wherever they are. This helps employees complete their day-to-day tasks more efficiently.

Increase customer satisfaction

Enterprise software solutions such as customer relationship management, marketing automation, and contact center software have made it possible for organizations to develop a detailed understanding of their clients and their needs. By bringing together and centralizing customer data, enterprises can deliver a personalized service experience that meets customer demands.

What are the types of enterprise software?

There are several different types and brands of enterprise software available. The software can be grouped into several broad categories. We give some examples below.

Enterprise resource planning

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software helps organizations to manage their various business processes, including sales, HR, supply chain, project management, and payroll from within a single centralized system. Organizations use ERP software to:

  • Centrally manage organizational data from different sources
  • Automate tasks and simplify business processes
  • Deliver operational efficiency and boost profitability

Customer relationship management

Enterprises use customer relationship management (CRM) and contact center software to:

  • Better manage customer relationships
  • Develop insights into customer needs through data
  • Deliver better experiences to existing customers
  • Make informed decisions about new prospects

With information about existing and potential clients in one place, businesses can personalize their communications and build deeper relationships. They can also bring together data from different departments to build out their sales pipelines and make financial forecasts.

Business intelligence

Business intelligence is enterprise application software that brings together data held in multiple sources—the cloud, on-premises data centers, and spreadsheets—for analysis and reporting. Everyone within an organization gets a consistent view of the data through interactive dashboards. Business intelligence software also highlights patterns and trends so that teams can:

  • Gain valuable insights into business processes
  • Make strategic decisions with confidence
  • Avoid time-consuming manual analysis 

Supply chain management

Today's supply chains are highly complex global networks of manufacturers, suppliers, logistics, and retailers that work together to deliver goods and services. Every organization requires efficient digital infrastructure to co-ordinate and manage supply chain tasks such as:

  • Goods tracking
  • Production updates
  • Supplier invoicing
  • Supplier auditing

Effective supply chain management tools, such as Amazon Managed Blockchain and Amazon Forecast, give organizations complete visibility over their supply chains to improve forecasting, reduce inventory costs, and improve capacity utilization.

Human resource management

Enterprise application software for human resource (HR) management is typically made up of tools to oversee and control HR functions like:

  • Recruitment and training
  • Annual leave management
  • Payroll
  • Talent retention and engagement

By bringing together all of the functions that a modern enterprise HR department has to oversee, organizations can work more efficiently and deliver greater value to the enterprise.

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